With Wattpad, you can discover millions of e-books on every genre that is out there and add them to your reading list. Not only that, you can follow your favorite writers and get notified whenever they publish something. Coming to the writing part, you can create your own book and publish it on their platform. They also organize online Watty awards every year and provide exposure to aspiring writers. Considering it is a free application that provides you free ebooks and lets you publish your own story to millions of readers without any cost. I can’t think of a reason why you would need another app or site like this. But if you’re looking for something different and some new stories and ebooks to read. Then we have got you covered with these apps and sites that are similar to Wattpad.

Wattpad Alternative Apps And Sites


Penana is another free ebooks website that serves the same purpose as Wattpad. Both are very similar to each other in terms of accessibility and diversity. You have a vast number of genres and sub-genres to choose from that includes poetry and screenplay. There are three modes of writing, first is the story mode where you can write a normal story chapter wise on any genre. Second is contest mode where you can start a writing contest on any topic and engage other users on that platform. Last is blog mode where you can write your own personal blog and choose to share with others.

1 Wattpad Alternative Apps And Sites1.1 Penana1.2 Movellas1.3 Sweek1.4 Shorti1.5 Mirakee1.6 Shortly1.7 Tap By Wattpad2 Which Wattpad App Do You Choose?

The great thing is it has various editing tools to help you out with writing your story. When you select a story to read you will know all the information that is there to know. Like the time it will take you to read it, rating etc. Most importantly you can read the intro and decide if you want to get hooked or not. You can also access its mobile site on your PC browser and it is available for Android as well as iOS for free. Website: Visit Penana | Android: Penana Android App | iOS: Penana iOS App


This is a free ebook reading and writing platform that primarily focuses more on teenagers. This website is full of 1000s of stories and fanfictions written by young writers. You are free to read any book you want from this platform but you need to login in order to write something. In the people section, you can follow all the trending writers on Movellas and check out their work. You can also connect with them for tips and share your thoughts and views with other writers. It is specifically designed so you can read and write on your smartphone on the go. In addition to that, you can download a story and read it offline later without having to worry about your internet connection. Once you have published a chapter, you can go back and edit it from your phone anytime. People who read your story can post comments on any part and chat with you. If you don’t feel like reading you can listen to several audio stories that this web application offers. Website: Visit Movellas | Android: Movellas Android App | iOS: Movellas iOS App Also Read: 7 Best Shopify Alternatives


Sweek has the most interesting and clean user interface among all the other ebook reading and writing platforms. Just like the other similar platforms, it allows you to write your own books, poems, and short stories. As an aspiring writer, this app helps you get noticed among thousands of readers, make new fans and get useful opinions from them. Not only that, you can get your book published by Sweek publishing house. They will guide you through your manuscript and book cover design and publish it for free. Your book will be sold globally as an ebook via social network and Sweek webshop. They also sell your book as a paperback on some known bookshops and pay you some percentage of the sales price. Offline reading and writing option on a mobile application is also available. Website: Visit Sweek | Android: Sweek Android App | iOS: Sweek iOS App


Shorti is a purely mobile based application available for both iOS and Android. And instead of writing books it is the best platform for writing and sharing short stories. During the registration process, you can use a pen name to sign up to maintain a sense of anonymity. You can choose to read short stories from multiple categories and bookmark them for later. To begin writing, you need to decide a title name and a description of not more than 200 words. After that choose a genre and you are good to go. You can also upload your own cover for the story to make it more appealing to the audience. It also lets you attach images and videos to your story and all this just from your smartphone. Android: Shorti Android App | iOS: Shorti iOS App


Mirakee is a social networking app for writers to Explore and share ideas through writing.  It is not for reading or writing a book. In fact, it lets you share thoughts, short stories, poems,  and quotes in the form of a post with a picture in the background. You can choose from a solid color background also. There are loads of tools and fonts available to design your post. If you are posting an original content then you can also use the copyright feature. Like, comment and share others post just like any other social media. You can also link your Facebook and Twitter account and follow your friends on Mirakee and see what they are up to in the writing department. This app is meant for smartphone users but you can explore the website version on PC as well but with limited features. Website: Visit Mirakee | Android: Mirakee Android App | iOS: Mirakee iOS App


If you are one those guys who like reading on the go and doesn’t have time to write anything. Then Shortly, a free app for both Android and iOS lets you do that. You can read a short story according to the time you have in your hand. There are three options for you to choose from 1, 3 and 5 minutes. Once you have read the story of your desired time, you can go for the next story of the same length and read. While reading you can change the theme of the page and font of your story. The good thing is you don’t have to sign up or register at all yourself to read. Android: Shortly Android App | iOS: Shortly iOS App

Tap By Wattpad

Tap is a dedicated smartphone app developed by the Wattpad team. It is Editors Choice on Google Play and also has won the award for best of 2017. Now unlike Wattpad and similar apps, this one keeps you on the edge by unfolding the story through the back and forth text messages. It is a very unique way to read a story by just tapping. You can find a story depending on your mood and share them with your friends. The reading experience is very intuitive and makes you feel like you are a part of the story. It is also possible to create and share your own stories with the world by writing them in the form of chat. It is a free app and no registration is required unless you want to write a story. Android: Tap by Wattpad Android App | iOS: Tap by Wattpad iOS App Also Read: Best Apps For Nature Lovers

Which Wattpad App Do You Choose?

Here you have it, 7 apps and websites like Wattpad for all the readers and writers out there. All the platforms we have mentioned are free and you don’t have to pay for reading or writing on them. But keep in mind that copyright is a major issue with these sorts of things so don’t try to use its content anywhere else. We would love to get a few more recommendations for Wattpad’s alternative services. Write to us your queries and recommendations in the comment section below.

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