Report on Instagram

The reporting option is present for all types of content you see on Instagram. Also, note that reporting is anonymous. So, the person whose content you are reporting will not come to know that you reported it.

1 Report on Instagram1.1 Report Fake Profile1.2 Report Inappropriate Posts1.3 Report Offensive Comments1.4 Report Instagram Stories1.5 Report Abusive Instagram Messages

Important: We highly recommend you to not report someone or their content out of envy or revenge. It’s not fair and in any case, Instagram looks into the report before taking any action. Here’s how you can report abuse them if required. The steps and screenshots are from iPhone app but there is hardly any difference for Android.

Report Fake Profile

If you come across an account that doesn’t follow Instagram community guidelines and looks like spam then report it.

Go to that account profile. Under their account, tap on 3 dots at the top right.

Tap Report. Select the reason and you’re done.

Report Inappropriate Posts

Tap on the 3 dots at the top right of the photo or video you wish to report abuse.

Select Report. Tap on the reason.

Report Offensive Comments

Swipe left on the desired comment.

Tap on the i icon. Select the reason and it will be reported.


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Report Instagram Stories

With over 250 million users making use of stories you can very well see spam here. All you need to do is while viewing that particular story tap on the 3 dots at the bottom right and select Report. Tap on the reason and that’s it.

Report Abusive Instagram Messages

If you receive a spam text message or photo/video in Instagram direct message then there’s a way to report that too.

Long tap/press on the desired message.

Tap on Report from the menu. Select the reason on the next screen.

So, these were the ways you could use to report abuse on Instagram anonymously. If you think this information can help someone then don’t forget to share the article with them.

How to Report on Instagram  Fake Profile  Spam Pictures  Abusive DM   Comments - 87How to Report on Instagram  Fake Profile  Spam Pictures  Abusive DM   Comments - 58How to Report on Instagram  Fake Profile  Spam Pictures  Abusive DM   Comments - 22How to Report on Instagram  Fake Profile  Spam Pictures  Abusive DM   Comments - 97How to Report on Instagram  Fake Profile  Spam Pictures  Abusive DM   Comments - 68