What’s In The Box?

The package comes inside a small cardboard box. Here’s what you will find inside.

0.1 What’s In The Box?0.2 BlitzWolf Bluetooth Sports Earphones Specs0.3 Design & Looks0.4 Earphones In Action0.5 Sound Quality0.6 Call Quality0.7 Battery0.8 Connectivity0.9 The Good0.10 The Bad1 BlitzWolf Wireless Sports Earphones: Must Have If You Are Looking For Something Waterproof

Shockproof case to keep and carry the earphones. They are made of EVA material which means they will feel like rubber but are surprisingly tough. BlitzWolf BW-BTS2 Bluetooth Earphones Micro USB Cable 2 multi-size ear tips and a clip User Manual Warranty Card

Like most of the other earphones, these also didn’t have a power adapter. You can use an adapter with a low power rating to charge the earphones.

BlitzWolf Bluetooth Sports Earphones Specs

Design & Looks

The earphones come with ear hooks that are oblique which allow for a perfect fit. It has branding on the outside part of each earpiece. Just next to the branding there’s a decorated plate. Well, it might look like a button by the looks of it but that’s not the case. It is a radiant black plate that is bordered by red color only for aesthetic purposes.

The left and right earpiece marking are provided as usual. On the right earpiece, you can find the 3 buttons at the top. Two of them are for adjusting volume, skipping tracks and the third one is a multifunction button that is meant for powering on/off, answering/hanging-up calls, redialing and play/pause music.

Along with the buttons, there’s a LED light which indicates a few meaningful things. It blinks in red and blue alternatively when it is ready to be paired with another Bluetooth device. LED starts flashing in red when the battery is low. When the earphones are fully charged the LED turns to blue. There’s a micro USB port on the bottom of the right earpiece for charging the earphones.

Coming to the wire that connects the two earpieces, it is red in color. It has a flat design that makes it highly durable and easily manageable. Flat cable doesn’t get tangled and even if does, it’s nothing when compared to round cable. You also get a clip which acts like a cable organizer to adjust the length of the cable if desired.

Overall, I am pretty impressed by the design and build quality of these earphones. They have a premium touch to them.

Earphones In Action

Being a runner gives me a big advantage to test the earphones practically for physical activities. On top of that, I sweat a lot so the waterproofing aspect of the earphones is challenged at an extreme level. The first time I tried out these earphones I went for a 10km run which took approximately 63 minutes. I had the earphones on throughout the run and they didn’t fall off. During the run, I never had to bother about the earphone staying in ears. Apart from that, they were quite comfortable. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk1V1s7giy_/?taken-by=mendiratta20 Later, I also went for a few evening runs on days where humidity levels were peaking. In those runs, I was sweating buckets which were only 6km long but the earphones survived all of them. https://www.instagram.com/p/BlGVPGGAnwt/?taken-by=mendiratta20 To be honest with you, the earphones I have used so far while running, none of them have lasted long but with these earphones, I already had 5-6 runs and they look promising to stay with me for a long time. This is because they come with a stunning IPX7 rating and make use of nano-coating technology. You can drop or immerse the earphones in water up to 3 feet. So yeah they can be used while swimming and doing water sports. Now, don’t get me wrong these earphones can also be used for work or travel as well. You won’t feel any sort of discomfort even while using the earphones for hours.

Sound Quality

The earphones have a well-balanced bass and treble. Don’t expect anything out of the box here. Listening to music at maximum volume sounded clear. The treble didn’t take over and the sound was still fairly balanced. That said, they sound at their best when using at 70% level. At the given price point, the sound quality is great.

Call Quality

This is a real downer. The microphone captured all sorts of ambient noises and that made up for a poor call experience. They definitely lag in noise cancellation. In cases of emergency, you can still use them for calls and you will just make it through somehow.


With a 110mAh battery, they give music and talking time of around 8 hours which is at par. Nothing to be excited about. They take more than an hour for a complete charge but if you’re in a hurry then a 15-minute charge is enough for them to last for a couple of hours.


BW-BTS2 are powered by Bluetooth V4.1. You can connect them to two Bluetooth devices at the same time. In terms of range, they do quite a good job. The earphones can easily operate at a distance of up to 10 meters from the connected device.

The Good

Waterproof – With an IPX7 rating they didn’t break a sweat when I was sweating! Comfort & Perfect Fit Balanced Sound Proper Voice Prompts

The Bad

Poor Call Quality Slow Charging Speed

Also Check: BlitzWolf BW-BTS1 Bluetooth Earphones Review: Budget Earphones?

BlitzWolf Wireless Sports Earphones: Must Have If You Are Looking For Something Waterproof

Being waterproof with a balanced sound, they give any other sports earphone a run for its money. Apart from that, you get an imposing design and all other features you expect from an earphone. All this at a reasonable price of $29.99 but for now, you can get them at a $5 discount. So, what are you waiting for?

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